Kangoo Power Instructor Licensing Workshop 23-24 February 2019 – Brisbane!
Exciting Kangoo Power Instructor Licensing Workshop on 23 – 24 February 2019 – in Brisbane!!
Registrations close on 10 February 2019!
Kangoo Power 2 day Workshop on 23 & 24 February 2019 in Brisbane. All interested candidates please apply by email at magda@mix-fit.net.au and I will forward all relevant information and study material in preparation for the workshop. As most of you already know, a prerequisite to the Kangoo Power Instructor License is either Certificate III in Fitness – Gym Instructor, Personal Trainer, or Group Exercise Instructor; or Certificate IV in Fitness, holding both is a plus. If you don’t have either of them, you will only be granted the Kangoo Power Certificate once you obtained one Cert III or Cert IV in Fitness, and provided that you passed both theoretical and practical KJ examinations.
2 day workshop cost is AUD489, payable at registration! Please note that participating in the workshop doesn’t guarantee you the KJ certificate. There will be theoretical testing as well as practical testing on the second day of workshop that will decide how much information you’ve got, both in theory as well as practice. Also remember you will always get a chance to make it happen if you work for it and we are here to assist you with being successful.
Any further questions you might have, please get back to me asap.
Looking forward to hearing back from you soon in preparation of the workshop!