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KJIFF 2016 – Kangoo Jumps International Fitness Festival 2016

MIX FIT CLUB is recruiting for KJIFF 2016Kangoo Jumps International Fitness Festival 2016, happening between 5 and 11 October, in Buenos Aires – Argentina.
Are you Australian or living in Australia at the moment? Then you are perfect match for this. We are looking for determined people to proudly represent our beautiful country at this amazing annual Fitness Festival!!
To get an idea about all this, see how the previous events unfolded. Have a look at this, as well:

You have to admit, this is massive! Hundreds of people from 35 countries jumping and enjoying a wonderful full of energy & rewarding fitness event. So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, book your ticket & prepare for the FUN!
Meanwhile saving for the trip, you are invited to learn a choreography together with us at one of our classes around Brisbane, as per our schedule:

Apart from keeping you healthy and fit, you also get the chance to visit Argentina.
Hurry up!! We take a maximum of 10 people for this event! Training starts early next week!! Book now!!

KJIFF 2016

KJIFF 2016

KJIFF 2016

KJIFF 2016

KJIFF 2016

KJIFF 2016


  1. Andra Soanca on May 12, 2016 at 8:44 pm

    Hello! My name is Andra Soanca, I am 29 years old and I’m from Romania. I live in România
    I contact you Because I practice KJ since January 2013 and I’m a big fan. I LOVE IT!
    I Wish from my heart to attend that meeting to me hone in KJ and to demonstrate that I can became a good instructor!!! This is my big Wish!!!
    I want to became a KJ instructor Even in Other country like Australia or Argentina….
    I’m determinated!
    I practiced 13 years of Shotokan Karate Do with good rezults: second place at Europeean Champioship, Third Place at Mondial Championship .I have black belt with 1 DAN.
    I was appointed Master of Sports ( i have the docs)
    I can prove YOU that I am determinated, ambitious and the tallent in KJ can recomand me
    Hopping that I will get an answer,
    Best regards
    Andra Soanca

    • Magda Xantopol on May 13, 2016 at 1:16 pm

      Hi, Andra! I am glad to hear that you love Kangoo Jumps! That makes it a lot of us, which is great! I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate you for all your excellent results in European and Mondial Championships you have participated in. That is amazing!
      As for our recruitment for the KJIFF 2016 this is about preparing Australia team to take part in the contest. You don’t have to be an instructor for that, you only need to know the choreography which I have prepared in this respect. Of course, it would help a lot if you were in Australia and it is actually a must to be living in Australia so you can be a part of the Australian team.
      Kangoo Jumps is slowly but surely taking up in Australia as well and I am sure that it will be growing really big. We are deeply involved in this process so we know what we are talking about. If you wanted to become an instructor, you can do that, either here, or there and you are more than welcome to come to Australia and be part of our KJ team here. You will have to meet all the criteria in this respect and get the Kangoo Power qualification, or other one based on your interest and skills. If there is anything that we could do to help you achieve that, please let us know.
      All the best in pursuing your dreams!
      Magda @ Mix Fit Club

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