Posts Tagged ‘Health’
MIX FIT KANGOO CLUB AUSTRALIA on the stage at Fitness & Health Expo Brisbane!!
MIX FIT KANGOO CLUB AUSTRALIA on the stage at Fitness & Health Expo Brisbane!! See you there!! MIX FIT KANGOO CLUB AUSTRALIA is performing on the stage at Fitness & Health Expo in Brisbane, this Sunday, 23 October 2016, starting 11am, a FREE KANGOO POWER MASTERCLASS!! You are all invited on the big stage of…
Read MoreAlexithymia – Absence of Words to Describe Emotional States
Alexithymia – a dissociation between experience and awareness is affecting people that seem to have feelings but they are somehow unaware of them. That is to say when awareness is decoupled from emotional experience, what we get is numbfeel. People can be happy, curious, sad, bored and not know it. They seem to have physiological…
Read MoreMind-reading and False Expectations
Expecting your partner to read your mind and know what will make you happy is unrealistic and leads to disappointment and resentment. This works for both men and women equally. Life would be very tedious indeed if you had to anticipate what others wanted. “It would be like treading on eggshells, worrying about upsetting everyone.…
Read MorePerception and Behaviour – Irritating Behaviours
I find this book (“Side by Side” by Jo Lamble & Sue Morris) so useful and straight forward that it doesn’t require any comments or additions. There it is – another take-home message: ‘Hierarchy of irritating behaviours: Think of the five most irritating things your partner does. Rank them in order from least to most…
Read MoreChallenging Unhelpful Thoughts
Important! New thoughts do not have to be falsely positive (wishful thinking), but realistic thoughts. The bottom line is to aim for calmness, less anger and/or less anxiety. Shifting in emotion might be enough to produce a more helpful and productive behaviour. So as to work out the new thoughts, it is useful to ask…
Read MoreWhat causes Feelings & Behaviour?
A Situation triggers Thoughts that cause Feelings & Behaviour Clear thinking is based on the premise that the way you think influences the way you feel and how you behave. In other words, it is your interpretation or opinion about a situation that causes you to feel the way you do. Your interpretation of a…
Read MoreKangoo Jumps @ Fitness & Health Expo – Brisbane
Appreciating the benefits of Kangoo Jumps during the Fitness & Health Expo in Brisbane over the last weekend (while on the KJ Boots for two days in a row) kept me thinking about them and here I am sharing them with you so you get a better understanding of the whole process within the human…
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