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Under the DOMS :)

Experiencing muscle pain after exercising is normal, especially if it has been a while since you have performed consistent physical activity. DOMS – which stands for delayed onset muscle soreness – seems to happen after performing eccentric muscle contractions that lengthen contracting muscles. Opposed movement is shortening contracting muscle, due to the muscle overcoming the external load, and that is what we call concentric muscle contraction, as in the flexion phase of a bicep curl. It seems that concentric contractions do not induce DOMS at all.
Although DOMS is believed to be an indicator of muscle damage, only few muscle fibres are actually destroyed or injured – less than 1% of total muscle fibres. Other structures such as connective tissue and fascia – the sheath of tissue that surrounds the muscles – seem to be affected by lengthening muscle movements, as well.
It is still not known what causes the delay between the physical activity and muscle soreness, which generally happens a few hours after exercising and it worsens over the next few days.
DOMS doesn’t seem to be a warning not to move the affected muscles, but all the contrary, as moving the muscles ameliorates the pain and it does not delay the recovery, but it doesn’t seem necessary for developing bigger and stronger muscles either. There is no scientific evidence in this respect.
DOMS is minimised with increased intensity and volume of eccentric exercise and it is a good signal from your body, a signal that you should not be afraid of, as it is pretty harmless.

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